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Comparing Verco & ASC Metal Decking [Types & Alternatives]
Kathy Midence

By: Kathy Midence on December 9th, 2020

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Comparing Verco & ASC Metal Decking [Types & Alternatives]

Metal Deck

Have you ever looked at the metal decking specifications on a job and seen the words or equal and wondered equal to what? You will typically find these words listed right after the type of panel and the metal decking manufacturer.

The words or equal allow the metal decking subcontractor the opportunity to provide metal decking by a different manufacturer other than the one listed on the design drawings. So long as the panel they are substituting has similar engineering values as the one specified and is approved by the engineer of record.

One of the most common reasons the engineer will approve a substitute is due to availability. If the panel specified isn’t available, the job can continue because the metal decking can be substituted by an approved similar panel manufactured by a different manufacturer.

The subcontractor needs to make sure they get the substitution approved by the engineer of record, prior to purchasing and installing the metal decking.

Some metal decking panel types are pretty commonly found throughout the United States and can be pretty similar to each other. However, if you are looking to find a similar panel to one that’s specified on your job, knowing the location of the metal decking manufacturer is key.

If your job is on the West Coast for instance, you shouldn’t be looking for alternative manufacturers located on the East Coast. Because of the amount of extra time and extra shipping charges, it just doesn’t make sense.

At Western Metal Deck, we supply metal decking manufactured by Verco Decking. As a metal decking supplier, we have over the years seen our fair share of metal decking specifications. On occasion when a customer sends us a copy of their metal decking specification it doesn’t always show Verco decking. The two most common metal decking manufacturers we see specified on the West Coast are Verco Decking, Inc. and ASC Steel Deck.

So if you are located on the West Coast and have a job specifying Verco Decking or ASC Steel Decking and want to know which panel is similar to the other, we will go through the different types.

  • Verco & ASC Roof Deck
  • Verco & ASC Floor Deck
  • Verco & ASC Standard Sidelap Connection
  • Availability Of Verco Decking & ASC Steel Decking

Verco & ASC Steel Roof Decking

Both Verco Decking and ASC Steel Deck manufacture metal roof decking in different profiles, gauges, and with different sidelap connections. They both have profiles that are similar, such as: 1 ½” Deep Type B deck and 3” Type N. While they have other types of metal roof decking profiles, these two types are the ones that are comparable.

1 ½” Type B Deck

The panels are 1 ½” Deep, 3’ wide, and have a standard interlocking sidelap.

Verco Type HSB-36 or PLB-36

Type HSB-36 or PLB-36 is manufactured by Verco Decking Inc. It is available in: 16, 18, 20, & 22 Gauge.






ASC Type B-36 or DGB-36

Type B-36 or DGB-36 is manufactured by ASC Steel Deck. It can be manufactured in the following gauges: 16, 18, 20, & 22.

Photo Source: ASC Steel Deck


3” Deep Type N Deck

These panels are 3” Deep, 32” wide, and have a standard interlocking sidelap.

Verco Type HSN3-32 or PLN3-32

Types HSN3-32 & PLN3-32 are manufactured by Verco Decking. They are available in 16, 18, & 20 Gauge.






ASC Type N-32Ⓡ or DGN-32

Type N-32 and DGN-32 are manufactured by ASC Steel Deck. It can be manufactured in: 16, 18, 20, & 22 gauge.

Photo Source: ASC Steel Deck


Verco & ASC Steel Floor Decking

Both Verco and ASC manufacture composite metal floor decking. They each manufacture 3 different profiles that are similar. The three types listed below are all composite metal floor decking, with an embossment pattern on the vertical legs of the panels.

Each manufacturer has a different patented embossment pattern for their different panels. So even though the dimensions of each panel below is similar the panels are not identical.


1 ½” Composite Type B Deck

Both manufacturers produce a 1 ½” Deep panel, that is 3’-0” wide, has a standard interlocking sidelap, with embossments on the vertical legs.


Verco Types B-36 FormLok or PLB-36 Formlok

Type B-36 FormLok & PLB-36 Formlok is manufactured by Verco Decking, Inc. It is available in 16, 18, & 20 Gauge.


ASC Type BH-36 Hi FormⓇ

Type BH-36 Hi Form is manufactured by ASC Steel Deck. It can be manufactured in 16, 18, 20, & 22 Gauge.

Photo Source: ASC Steel Deck


2” Deep Composite Type W2

Verco and ASC Steel both have a 2” deep composite floor deck. It is 3’-0” wide, with a standard interlocking sidelap and embossments on the vertical legs.


Verco Type W2-36 FormLok or PLW2-36 FormLok

Type W2-36 FormLok or PLW2-36 Formlok is manufactured by Verco Decking, Inc. It can be made in the following gauges: 16, 18, & 20.


ASC Type 2WH-36 Hi Form

Type 2WH-36 Hi Form is manufactured by ASC Steel. It can be manufactured in the following gauges: 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, & 22.

Photo Source: ASC Steel Deck


3” Deep Composite Type W3

3” Deep composite floor deck is manufactured by both ASC Steel and Verco Decking. Both panels are 3’ wide and have embossments along the vertical leg of the panel.


Verco Types W3-36 FormLok or PLW3-36 FormLok

Types W3-36 FormLok or PLW3-36 Formlok are manufactured by Verco Decking, Inc. They are available in 16, 18, & 20 Gauge.


ASC Type 3WxH-36 Hi Form

Type 3WxH-36 Hi Form is manufactured by ASC Steel. It can be manufactured in the following gauges: 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, & 22.

Photo Source: ASC Steel Deck


Verco & ASC Standard Interlocking Sidelap

The different types of metal decking listed above all have a standard interlocking sidelap. On the West Coast, the standard interlocking sidelap is the most common sidelap type.

These interlocking sidelaps have a male and a female leg that can be connected using a button punch tool, or top seam weld. The other method of attachment, with the PunchLok II tool or DeltaGrip tool, the type will depend on the manufacturer.

PunchLok II Vs. ASC DeltaGrip


When the metal decking is specified for installation with either the PunchLok II system or DeltaGrip system, it will have the abbreviation of either PL or DG in front of the type of the metal decking. The system you use will depend on who the manufacturer is.

If you are purchasing Verco decking, then you will use the PunchLok II system. If you are purchasing ASC Steel decking, then you will be using the DeltaGrip system.

Click here to learn more about PunchLok Vs DeltaGrip.

Availability Of Verco Decking & ASC Steel Decking

Verco has plants where they manufacture metal decking in Southern California, Northern California, & Phoenix, Arizona, .

ASC Steel Deck was located in Southern California, but they have now moved up north to Kalama, Washington.

If you are needing your metal decking manufactured, both have similar lead times of approximately 2 to 3 weeks.

As a supplier of Verco decking, we at Western Metal Deck stock many different profiles in different gauges and lengths to fulfill most job requirements. If your job is specifying ASC Steel deck, or another manufacturer's metal decking, we can provide you with paperwork to submit to try and get Verco decking approved. If your job is located in Southern California or Arizona, we can supply you with Verco metal decking the same day.


About Kathy Midence

Kathy Midence has worked for Western Metal Deck since 2009. She has worked with each department to better understand all aspects of the metal decking, metal roofing and metal siding industry.