Metal Deck Blog

Are you a steel fabricator, general contractor, or engineer looking to learn about metal decking? Learn about roof deck, floor deck, Punchlok. Read our metal deck blog.

Paul Rubio

Paul Rubio is the Vice President and one of the owners of Western States Metal Roofing. He has been in the metal roofing industry for 25 years. WSMR is a manufacturer of metal roofing, wall panels, and metal siding. We have colors and finishes that nobody else has with nearly 100 different colors in stock. Our selection of color options and finishes is likely the largest in the industry.

Blog Feature

Metal Deck | B Deck

By: Paul Rubio
June 4th, 2020

Do you have a job that requires a trash enclosure? Most commercial buildings will require a trash enclosure structure, but there’s just not a lot of information available online. That makes finding someone that can build a set of trash dumpster gates a difficult procedure.

Blog Feature

Metal Deck | Composite Floor Deck | Roof Deck

By: Paul Rubio
May 15th, 2020

Have you ever heard the term “metal decking” or “steel decking”, and wondered what it actually means? Maybe you have a set of plans with metal decking specified and you need to learn more about it. We will cover all of the basics in this article.

Blog Feature

Metal Deck | Form Deck

By: Paul Rubio
April 24th, 2020

Have you ever heard the term “form deck” and wondered is this just another word for composite floor deck? Does it mean something different? If you are pouring concrete, then you need something that will support the weight of the concrete. Put simply, a form deck supports the concrete while it cures. There is a bit more that goes into this, but by the time you are done reading this short article you will know all of the basics about form decking.

Blog Feature

Metal Deck | Cutting

By: Paul Rubio
March 6th, 2020

So you’re a steel fabricator and you have been awarded a metal deck job. You’re used to hanging iron, but not installing metal decking. You have looked around the internet and the only thing you can find are articles that talk about cutting deck with a grinder or a skill saw. If you had a couple of sheets that would be fine, but on a project of any substance you need to have the correct equipment. Otherwise, you will bleed money on labor cost. This article will explain which equipment should be used to cut metal decking properly.

Blog Feature

How to | Metal Deck | Cutting

By: Paul Rubio
February 27th, 2020

So you’re a contractor and you’re doing a small metal decking job. You have never installed metal decking and you have no idea how to cut metal decking. Don’t worry we have you covered. Our goal is to teach you the basics and walk you through the important safety precautions that you may have otherwise overlooked. We even made a video that shows you a step by step guide to cutting metal decking.

Blog Feature

How to | Metal Deck | Button Punch | Sidelaps

By: Paul Rubio
February 13th, 2020

So you’re a contractor and you have a small metal decking job. You do not know what a button punch is, you have no idea how to button punch metal decking, and you do not know where to borrow, rent, or buy a button punch tool. You’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. Don’t worry this blog will quickly answer all of these questions.

Blog Feature

Metal Deck | Button Punch | Deck Demon

By: Paul Rubio
February 6th, 2020

If you install metal decking regularly then you already know that the most popular sidelap connection specified on projects is the button punch connection. You also know that the only way to accomplish a button punch connection is with a button punch tool.

Blog Feature

Metal Deck | PunchLok II | Button Punch

By: Paul Rubio
January 14th, 2020

Size matters when deciding which metal deck system is best. It’s important to consider the size of your job when determining which metal deck system is best for you to use.

Blog Feature

Metal Deck | Finishes

By: Paul Rubio
December 26th, 2019

Do you have a metal decking job and do not understand the finish that is specified on the plans? In this article, we will discuss the different finishes and when it’s best to use each of them. The four finishes we will review are:

Blog Feature

How to | Metal Deck

By: Paul Rubio
December 19th, 2019

Most metal roof deck jobs are galvanized. Since you normally install a built up roof on top of the metal deck the color of the finish is irrelevant. Once in awhile though you have an uncommon condition in which you need a structural product that has an architectural finish. Your job requires a panel that has a galvanized substrate, can span a long distance, has structural engineering, and requires a nice looking paint finish. It would seem like such a product would exist, but it does not.